Swedish Massage
A hands-on full body massage of medium pressure which relieves muscle
tension, stimulates circulation, increases serotonin levels, improves muscle
tone and promotes total mind and body relaxation.
(Women Only)
Hawaiian Kahuna Massage is a flowing, energetically vibrant yet deeply relaxing massage using long fluid strokes of varying intensity.
Hot Stone Massage
Penetrating heat from smooth warmed stones placed on the body help to relieve tense muscles and sore joints. Combined with Swedish techniques, this creates a truly relaxing experience.
DoTERRA AromaTouch Therapy
The dōTERRA ArōmaTouch Technique is a clinical approach to applying essential oils along energy meridians and visceral contact points of the back and feet to help balance sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems of the body. The ArōmaTouch Technique improves well-being by reducing physical and emotional stressors.